On December 16, 2024, the Westtown Township Board of Supervisors adopted the 2025 Adopted Budget.
The Chester County Department of Emergency Services is leading an important planning effort to update the county-wide plan that serves as a blueprint for reducing property damage and saving lives from the impacts of natural and human-made hazards. This plan is also necessary for County and each municipality to be eligible to receive certain types of state and federal funding after a disaster occurs. Public participation is strongly encouraged via the survey, results of which will be used in planning and development of future mitigation projects. https://www.pennsylvaniahmp.com/chester-county-hmp
A ring was found at the Oakbourne Park athletic complex on Sunday, April 21. If you lost a ring and can identify it, please call the Township at 610-692-1930 or email administration@westtown.org.
When it comes to mailing letters, many people do it by dropping their envelopes in the United States Postal Service’s outside big blue collection bins placed in neighborhoods across America. However, the USPS is now warning would-be mailers that those big blue boxes are not always the safest option.
In a recent press release, the Postal Service recently explained that unfortunately, the outside collection bins have become very attractive to thieves looking to steal identities or checks, especially at specific times and on specific days. The agency stated, “The biggest variable enticing these criminals to steal are customers who deposit mail into blue collection boxes after the posted last collection of the day or during Sundays and federal holidays.”
We have experienced many thefts of mail from the USPS collection boxes here in Westtown and East Goshen, including outside our own local post offices in the West Chester area. To protect residents wanting to use their services, the USPS has some advice, stating, “If customers simply used retail service or inside wall drop slots to send their U.S. Mail, instead of depositing it to sit outside overnight or through the weekend, blue collection bins would not be as enticing after business hours to mail thieves for identity theft and check-washing schemes.”
In a list of tips, they also suggest, “The most secure way to send mail is through the local Post Office retail counter. If that is not feasible, the next safest way is to use the inside collection slots that deposit mail directly into the Post Office. If using the Postal Service’s outside blue collection bins, never deposit mail after the last dispatch time. Each box has pick up times printed on a label, and it will point you to the location for the latest pickup time in your area. Avoid depositing mail during the night, Sundays, long weekends, and federal holidays.” And NEVER put mail in a collection box that is visibly overfilled.
In the off chance you happen to pass by one of the blue mailboxes and spot someone who doesn’t look like a postal employee rummaging through it, especially during non-postal work hours, the USPS and WEGOPD ask that you report it by immediately calling 911. Call when you see this occurring, not the next day. To incentivize people to call in suspicious activity and help curb mail theft, the USPS is offering rewards of up to $10,000 to anyone whose tip helps catch the thieves. Take the extra few seconds to park and walk your mail inside the post office for a safer delivery.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://chester.crimewatchpa.com/wegopd/53548/post/mail-thefts-rise
Do you love to plan activities and events or have a passion for local history? Then consider giving back to your community and making new connections by volunteering for the Parks and Recreation Commission or the Historical Commission! Township Commissions meet once per month – Parks & Rec meets the third Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Oakbourne Mansion and the Historical Commission meets the second Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Township building. All meetings are open to the public.
To apply for either commission please send a brief resume or statement of interest to administration@westtown.org. Applicants for any Township commission must be current in all municipal obligations.
Westtown Township Board of Supervisors meetings are live-streamed on the Township’s YouTube channel. The Township will also allow remote meeting participation, including accepting public comment remotely via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89939917814. Video recordings shall not replace or supersede the meeting minutes as the official record of the meeting. Video recordings will be retained for six months.
Governor Wolf recently signed legislation enhancing and rebranding the state’s Steer Clear Law to the Move Over Law. The law requires drivers to move over or slow down when they encounter an emergency scene, traffic stop, or properly marked disabled vehicle. If the driver cannot move over safely, they must reduce their speed to at least 20 mph below the posted speed limit. Currently, the law requires drivers in non-adjacent lanes to reduce their speed to a careful and prudent reasonable speed. The legislation also doubles the existing fines and adds a point system to violations. While the new law won’t take effect until April 2021, we encourage everyone to be safe and abide by the new guidelines.
Members of the Westtown-East Goshen (WEGO) Regional Police Department will be enforcing the Pennsylvania Move Over Law.
For more information, visit the WEGO website: https://chester.crimewatchpa.com/wegopd
The Westtown East Goshen Regional Police Department encourages residents to use a free online system that will help keep track of valuable – and invaluable – personal property. ReportIt is a free, secure online service allowing citizens to record serial numbers, item descriptions, and upload images so items may be more easily identified in the event of loss or theft. This record may also come in handy when filing claims with insurance providers in the event of loss. WEGO says having the information will go a long way in accurately and quickly identifying your property. Citizens can access the site at reportit.leadsonline.com.
The ReportIt service is a part of LeadsOnline, an online system that works with police across the country to track and recover stolen property. WEGO uses LeadsOnline to help track and recover stolen property, including everything from jewelry to sporting equipment to electronics, computers, cameras, and other items such as designer clothing, collectibles, and more. The system allows detectives to search for the items using a variety of parameters, including item descriptions and serial numbers.
The Chester County Fire Chiefs Association is recruiting residents to become volunteer firefighters or to help your local station in a variety ways. For more information, visit HelpFightFire.com. A short promotional video on volunteer opportunities can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/helpfightfire.
The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is a new invasive insect that has spread throughout southeastern Pennsylvania since its discovery in Berks County in 2014. SLF presents a significant threat to Pennsylvania agriculture, including the grape, tree-fruit, hardwood, and nursery industries. Learn about the Spotted Lanternfly, and what action you can take to stop the spread of this invasive insect that is threatening the northeastern United States. Visit the Penn State Extension or call the SLF hotline 1-888-422-3359 with questions on SLF management or to report a sighting.
Credit card skimmers on gas pumps are a problem throughout the country. For tips on how to detect skimmers and prevent credit card theft read this: Credit Card Skimmers
Please read the Community Awareness Bulletin below regarding burglaries perpetrated by criminals who divert homeowners while an accomplice enters the home.
Smart 911 is a free service available to keep you and your family safer. Provided by Chester County Department of Emergency Services, Smart 911, lets you create a private and secure safety profile for your family, including any information you want 9-1-1 dispatchers to have during an emergency. You can include details such as a list of family members, pets, photos, medical notes, and emergency contacts. In an emergency, seconds can save lives. Take a few moments now to plan ahead at www.smart911.com.
There is a Medication Return Collection Box in the lobby of the Westtown East Goshen (WEGO) Police Station, 1041 Wilmington Pike. Residents can safely dispose of unwanted or expired prescription medication M-F from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
The Westtown East Goshen Police Department (WEGO) is now a “Safe Trade” location to conduct transactions made using online sites such as Craigslist. Click on the link below for more information and safety tips for online transactions:
ReadyChesCo is used to notify you during a major crisis or emergency, and delivers important emergency alerts such as weather, road closures, health, or community alerts. Please sign up for Chester County’s electronic notification system for emergency information by visiting http://www.readychesco.org.
2024 Police Commission meetings will be held on the 4th Wednesday of the month, at 4:00 PM, in the Police Administration Building located at 1041 Wilmington Pike, (behind the Township Building.)
The Lanchester Landfill (7224 Division Highway, Narvon, PA 17555) is accepting TV’s, computers and other electronics, and appliances for FREE. There is a three (3) unit limit per vehicle, including one TV (Projection TV’s are not accepted). A complete computer system is considered one unit. All items must be intact. No disassembled items will be accepted. Residents must be able to unload their own items.
Please note that the SECCRA Landfill, 219 Street Road (Route 926), West Grove, is also accepting televisions and electronics. Residents in the southern end of Chester County should use this landfill.
Staples office supply store also collects used electronics. TV’s are not accepted.
The Red Cross is seeking local volunteers to help during disasters.For more information on specific volunteer opportunities available near you, please visit www.redcross.org or call 215-299-4000.