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Friends of Oakbourne

Friends of Oakbourne

The Friends of Oakbourne (FoO) a 501(c)3 charitable organization, is a volunteer group, separate from Westtown Township, governed by a Board of Directors.  FoO’s mission is to assist Westtown Township in caring for, improving, and enhancing Westtown’s Oakbourne Park.  Tax deductible donations to “The Friends of Oakbourne Fund” are welcome.  These funds may be used by FoO for various park improvement projects such as tree and shrub plantings, park benches, garden construction, invasive plant control, and other worthy projects.

The 148-acre Oakbourne Park is the gem of Westtown Township, and is the primary focal point and recreational resource in the Township.  The park contains the historical and architecturally unique Oakbourne Mansion, water tower, carriage house and gatehouse.  Other park amenities include over four miles of walking trails of various surfaces (paved, woodland, and gravel), an accredited arboretum, community garden, pavilion, playground, picnic tables and grills, and athletic area with tennis courts, basketball court, and baseball and soccer fields.

If you would like to join the Friends of Oakbourne or volunteer for work in Oakbourne Park, then please email Rick Brown.

Tree Dedication Program

The “Friends” have established a tree dedication program to replace dead or dying specimen trees in the park arboretum, and to introduce new trees and shrubs into other areas of the park. Donations are welcomed from individuals for dedicated memorial trees and benches to be planted or placed in specific areas of the park or arboretum.  The program is an ideal way to enhance the beauty of Oakbourne Park while honoring a loved one or to commemorating an important occasion.  If you would like information about The Friends of Oakbourne or the Tree/Bench Dedication Program, then please email Tom Bare.

A list of dedicated trees and benches is available here, and is also posted in the kiosk near the mansion parking lot.

ArbNet Accreditation

In May, 2019, Oakbourne Park and Arboretum achieved Level 1 accreditation from ArbNet.  Oakbourne Arboretum is recognized as having achieved industry standards in planning, governance, number of species, staff and volunteer support, education and public programming, and tree science research and conservation.  The township thanks the Friends of Oakbourne for their work in getting Oakbourne Park and Arboretum accredited.

Visit ArbNet to learn more.

The Oakbourne Arboretum is also home to one of the largest London Plane/Sycamore (Platanus Acerfolia) trees in the state.  Visit

Become a member of Friends of Oakbourne (dues $20.00/year) and join in supporting the Westtown Community and concerned individuals who recognize the value of Oakbourne Park and want to ensure its vitality for the future.  Please consider making a tax deductible, charitable donation to preserve and enhance the beauty of the grounds and buildings at Oakbourne Park.

Board of Directors:

Rick Brown, President

Tom Bare, Memorial Trees & Benches

Allyson Debes, Secretary

Luke Flurer, Treasurer

Vince Durante, Board Member

Eric Kraheck, Board Member

Mike & Rita McGuane, Board Members

Bill Musselman, Board Member

Walt Pavelchek, Board Member

The Friends of Oakbourne usually meet on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October at 7pm at Oakbourne Mansion, 1014 S. Concord Road.  Please contact Tom Bare for meeting information.

The next meeting of the Friends of Oakbourne will be at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 17, 2025.

All are welcome. Please join us!

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