For active projects and detours visit:

Planning Commission

Staff Liaison: Mila Carter, Township Manager and Director of Planning & Zoning

Planning Commission

Staff Liaison: Mila Carter, Township Manager and Director of Planning & Zoning

The Planning Commission consists of seven residents appointed by the Board of Supervisors.  The mission of the Westtown Township Planning Commission is to advise and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on issues of land use, land development, subdivision, ordinance amendments, zoning, and the Comprehensive Plan.

Planning Commission Mission Statement

The Planning Commission meets at 7:00 PM on the Wednesdays following the Board of Supervisors meetings.  All meetings are open to the public. 

Westtown Township Comprehensive Plan Update (2019)

The Westtown Township Comprehensive Plan Update (2019) serves as the overall vision and guide for both the development and preservation of the Township.

Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances

The Zoning Ordinance is Chapter 170 of the Westtown Township Code.
The Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance is Chapter 149 of the Westtown Township Code.

Zoning Map

Westtown Zoning Map
Chester County Zoning Map – Westtown Township

Proposed Subdivision and Land Development Activity Map for Chester Co.

Active Projects

Westtown AM West TIC, LLC Chase Bank (Marketplace at Westtown Shopping Center)

Westtown AM West TIC, LLC proposes to build an 1-story 3,294 square feet drive-in Chase Bank on the northeastern portion of the property located at 1502 West Chester Pike (Route 3), known as the Marketplace @ Westtown.

Sketch Plan

Submission: October 19, 2023
Letter to Westtown Township encl. Sketch Plans
Paramount-Westtown-Overall Zoning Variance Plan-Rev 6 2023-10-12
Paramount-Westtown-Zoning Variance Plan-Rev 6 2023-10-12

Land Development Application

2024-07-16 Land Development Application
2024-07-16 Letter to Westtown Township re Westton AM Land Development Application
Stormwater Management Report – WESTTOWN AM WEST TIC
Parking Assessment 2023-01-19
Preliminary Final Land Development Plans – Westtown AM West

Westtown School Oak Lane Project (Athletic Fields Improvements)

The Westtown School is proposing several improvements to the existing athletic facilities on the campus property which includes the replacement of 2 existing grass athletic fields with multi-purpose synthetic turf fields, introduction of permanent lights for one of the turf fields, converting an existing gravel/lawn parking area into a paved parking area with 93 parking spaces, introducing a support building with ADA access between the new parking area and the athletic fields, introducing walking paths, relocating/reconstructing the softball fields with dugouts and providing attendant stormwater management facilities and landscaping.  On October 18, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary and Final Land Development application for the Westtown School Oak Lane project and waivers as requested by the applicant in the October 18, 2023 waiver request letters prepared by Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. and ELA Group Inc., conditioned upon a final resolution of any concerns raised by the Township consultants.

Westtown School Oak Lane Land Development Final Approval Letter w. Condit


First Submission: August 3, 2023
Application letter 2023-08-03
Chester County Subdivision and Land Development Info Form 2023-07-27
Engineered Design Plan 2023-08-03
Noise Propagation Survey 2023-08-01
NPDES Permit PAC150337 and CCCD Approval 2023-04-21
Post-Construction Stormwater Management Report 2023-03-17
Preliminary and Final Land Development Plan (sheets 1-48) 2023-08-01
Scoreboard – Daktronics MS-918 Product Specifications (Multifiled and Softball)
Scoreboard – Daktronics SO-918 Product Specifications (Multifield)
Township Sewer Capacity Verification letter 2019-01-24
Transportation Operational Analysis 2023-07-27
Waiver and Modifications Request 2023-08-01
Westtown Subdivision and Land Development Info Form

Revised Submission: September 28, 2023
Resubmission letter 2023-09-28
Response letter to Cedarville Engineering Review #1 2023-09-27
Waiver and Modifications Request 2023-09-27
Water Usage Narrative for the Westtown School – Oak Lane Project 2023-09-27
Erosion and Sediment Control Report rvsd 2023-09-19
Post Construction Stormwater Management Report rvsd 2023-09-19
Preliminary and Final Land Development PLan (sheets 1-48) rvsd 2023-09-19
Response letter from Daktronics RE Scoreboards
Response letter from Traffic Planning and Design 2023-09-19

Revised Submission: October 17, 2023
Traffic Waiver Request 2023-10-17

Revised Submission: October 18, 2023
Response letter from Traffic Planning and Design 2023-10-18
Modification request 2023-10-18

Revised Submission: October 27, 2023
Erosion and Sediment Control Report rvsd 2023-10-27
Opinion of Probable Cost 2023-10-27
Post Construction Stormwater Management Report rvsd 2023-10-27
Preliminary and Final Land Development Plan (sheets 1-48) rvsd 2023-10-27
Response to CEG Review No2 2023-10-27
Land Development App Resubmission Encl Ltr 2023-10-23

Revised Submission: November 3, 2023
Oak Lane Sight Distance Diagram 11-3-23

Revised Submission: December 15, 2023
Transmittal letter 2023-12-19
Response letter to CEG review 2023-12-15
Response letter to AFC review 2023-12-15
Preliminary and Final Land Development Plan (sheets 1-48) rvsd 2023-12-15
Opinion of Probable Cost 2023-12-15

Township Review
AFC – Oak Lane Athletic Fields – Traffic Review 2024-01-03
Cedarville Engineering Review 2024-01-10
Cedarville Engineering Review 2023-11-16
Sewage Capacity Letter Westtown School Oak Lane 2023-11-16
AFC – Oak Lane Athletic Fields – Traffic Review 2023-11-15
Systems Design Engineering – Lighting Review 2023-10-13
Cedarville Engineering Review 2023-10-13
AFC – Oak Lane Athletic Fields – Traffic Review 2023-10-13
Systems Design Engineering – Lighting Review 2023-09-30
Cedarville Engineering Review 2023-09-01
Chester County Planning Commission Review 2023-08-30
AFC – Oak Lane Athletic Fields – Traffic Review 20230828

Fox Clearing, LLC Stokes Estate Flexible Development

The applicant, Fox Clearing, LLC (Keystone Custom Homes), has submitted a separate conditional use application for a proposed land development to construct 85 single-family detached homes on four parcels totaling approximately 81 acres of land located along Shiloh Road.  The parcels subject to this application are zoned R-1 Residential, and the applicant is proposing the development in accordance with the Flexible Development Procedure that is permitted by conditional use. On December 27, 2023, the Board of Supervisors voted to deny the Fox Clearing LLC’s conditional use application. On June 3, 2024, the applicant presented a settlement proposal to the Board of Supervisors.


Denial notification lttr 2023-12-28

Settlement Proposal

Plan 1_Original Conditional Use Plan
Plan 2_Updated Settlement Plan – 03-12-24
Plan 3_Road A_C_D Overlay Comparison


First Submission: May 4, 2023
Amended Addendum re Conditional Use Application 2023-05-04
Amended Conditional Use Application 2023-05-04
Amended Conditional Use Submission letter 2023-05-03
Elevation Renderings
Ex. A – Deed & 2 Redacted AOS_Redacted 2023-05-04
Ex. B – Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans (Sheets 1-37) 2023-03-17
Ex. C – Aqua Water Availability letter – 1013 Shiloh Road 2023-04-12
Ex. D – Township Sewage Capacity letter for 85 homes 2023-04-13
Ex. E – Transportation Impact Study 2023-04
Ex. F – Declaration of Planned Community – DRAFT SAMPLE 2020-12-23
Stokes Estate Conservation Plans (Sheets 1-2) 2023-03-17
Stokes Estate Preliminary Stormwater Management Report 2023-03-17

Revised Submission: June 16,2023
Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans 2023-06-15
Stokes Estate Conservation Plans 2023-06-15
CU Resubmission Trans 2023- 06-15
Photo Exhibit Views into site from Public ROWs Updated
Rhoads Easement_ROW Enterprise
Response to AFC Traffic 2023-06-15
Response to CEG 2023-06-15
Response to Fire Marshal 2023-06-15
Response to Zoning_Planning 2023-06-15
Stokes Estate Prelim Stormwater Management Report 2023-06-13
PHMC_ER_Summary_Letter w_Wise reports (Briner Miles) 2023-04-26
PHMC_ER_Summary_Letter w_Wise reports (Stokes) 2022-12-08

Revised Submission: June 29, 2023
Crash Analysis Revised 2023-06
Transportation Resource Group Response letter 2023-06-28
Stokes Estate Illustrative Rendering 2023-06-21
Stokes Lighting Plans with Update Lighting Professional certification 2023-06-14

Revised Submission: July 14,2023
Shiloh Road Sight Distance (revised sheets 35-36) Conditional Use Plan 2023-07-14
Response to AFC Traffic 2023-07-14

Revised Submission: August 23, 2023
Response to CEG Comment #3 2023-08-22

Township Review

Planning Commission Recommendations 2023-09-06
Cedarville Engineering Review 2023-09-08
Cedarville Engineering Review 2023-08-23
Historical Commission Recommendations 2023-08-08
Chester County Planning Commission Review Letter 2023-08-08
HC Recommendations 2023-07-11
Cedarville Engineering Review 2023-06-30
Albert Federico Consulting Traffic Review 2023-06-29
Township Emergency Management Coordinator Review 2023-06-23
Township Public Works Review 2023-06-15
Albert Federico Consulting Traffic Review 2023-06-07
Cedarville Engineering Review 2023-06-06
Carroll Engineering Review 2023-05-26
Township Emergency Management Coordinator Review 2023-05-26
Stokes Estate Flexible Residential Development – Completeness Review 2023-05-19 

Conditional Use Exhibits (Applicant – Fox Clearing)
A-00 Illustrative Site Plan
A-02 Westtown Conditional Use Application, Addendum & Attachments
A-03 Township May_Early June 2023 Review Letters
A-04 Applicant 6-15-23 CU Resubmission
A-05 Township Late June 2023 Review Letters
A-06 Applicant 7-14-23 CU Resubmission & Response Letters
A-07 Toll Crebilly Conditional Use and Open Space Plans
A-08 Toll Crebilly Review letter from Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC 11-1-19
A-09 Toll Crebilly Review letter from McCormick Taylor, Westtown Township 10-3-19
A-10 Applicant Response 8 8 23 to Twp Eng 6 20 23 review letter
A-12 Jon Seitz Resume (updated)
A-13 Phtos of Horizontal and Vertical Road Curves
A-14 DL Howell Response to Twp Engineer August 22, 2023 Review Comment #3 re steep slopes
A-15 Rustin Walk Stormwater Management Plans for comparison
A-16 DL Howell Aerial Showing Pipelines
A-17 Shiloh Hill Drive subdivision plan (no emergency access and pipelines)
A-18 Plan showing Emergency Accesses to Road C
A-19 CCPC Pipeline Information Center Excerpt re Enterprise Pipeline Purge
A-20 Enterprise Pipeline Letter of No Objection 11 3 23
A-21 Road curvature model photos

Conditional Use Exhibits – Board of Supervisors
B-1 – Notice
B-2 – Proof of publication
B-3 – Proof of posting
B-4 – Proof of mailing
B-7 – Completeness review letter, 5.19.23
B-8 – Sanitary sewer review, 5.26.2023
B-9 – Fire marshal review letter, 5.26.2023
B-10 – Cedarville Engineering Review, 6.6.2023
B-11 – Traffic engineering review, 6.7.2023
B-12 – Township Public Works review, 6.15.2023
B-13 – Fire marshal second review, 6.23.2023
B-14 – Second traffic review, 6.29.23
B-15 – Second Cedarville engineering review, 6.20.2023
B-16 – Historical Commission review and recommendation, 7.11.2023
B-17 – Chester County Planning Commission Review Letter, 8.8.2023
B-18 – Second Historical Commission review and recommendation, 8.8.2023
B-19 Email regarding Pusey status 8.14.2023

Conditional Use Exhibits – Planning Commission
Exhibit Index
PC-1 Planning Commission recommendation letter 2023-09-11
PC-2 CV of Robert Flinchbaugh, P.E.
PC-3 Cedarville Engineering Group review letter 2023-08-23
PC-4 Cedarville Engineering Group review letter 2023-09-08
PC-5 Easement Plan prepared by Cedarville Engineering Group 2023-10-23
PC-6 CV of Albert Federico, P.E.
PC-7 Excerpt from PA DOT Design Manual Part 2 Highway Design 02-2023
PC-8 Photograph of 3D model of Road A
PC-9 CV of Gerald DiNunzio, Jr.

Conditional Use Exhibits – Parties
Holstein Exhibits 1 through 9
Pingar Exhibits RP-1 through RP-4

Findings of Fact
Fox Clearing LLC Proposed Findings and Conclusions of Law 2023-12-18
Planning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law 2023-12-18

Fox Clearing, LLC Stokes Estate Flexible Development

The applicant, Fox Clearing, LLC (Keystone Custom Homes), has submitted a conditional use application for a proposed land development to construct 68 single-family detached residential homes to be served by public sewer and water on the approximate 65 acres of land of the Stokes Estate, located at 1013 Shiloh Road. The property is zoned R-1 Residential, and the applicant is proposing the development in accordance with the Flexible Development Procedure.  The application is currently on hold.


Stokes Conditional Use Application
Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans

Stokes Estate Conservation Plans
Stokes Overall Existing Resources Plan
Stokes Illustrative Rendering 
Stokes Estate Residential Traffic Impact Study
Stokes Estate Stormwater Management Report 4-29-21
Aqua Availability Letter 
Recorded Deed 

Revised CU Application 8/31/2021
Stokes Estate Conservation Plans Rev 1_ 8-31-21
Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans Rev 1_ 8-31-21
Photo Exhibit Views into site from Public ROWs
Stokes Estate Prelim Stormwater Management Report Rev1_8-31-21
Response to Snook 8-27-21
Response to Dobbs 8-27-21
Response to CEG 8-27-21
Response to AFC Traffic 8-27-21
Illustrative Site Plan
Extension Letter Until 10/18/21

Revised CU Application 9/30/2021

Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans Rev 2_ 9-30-21
Stormwater Management Report Rev2_9-29-21
Keystone Custom Building Elevations
Response to AFC Traffic 9-29-21
Response to CEG 9-29-21
Extension Letter Until 11/19/21

Township Review
Township Completeness Review Letter
Chester County Planning Commission Review Letter Dec 20, 2020 (Sketch Plan only)
Cedarville Engineering 06-17-2021 Conditional Use Review
Cedarville Engineering 09-17-2021 Conditional Use Review
AFC –  Traffic Review 06-16-2021
AFC –  Traffic Review 09-16-2021
Carroll Engineering 06-04-2021
Planning Review, John Snook 07-01-2021
Goshen Fire Review Memo 10-22-2021
Public Works Review Memo 10-26-2021

Conditional Use Exhibits (Applicant – Fox Clearing)

Index of Applicant Exhibits
A-1 D Howell Resume_C.V.
A-2 May 21 2021 Conditional Use Submittal letter
A-3 Time Stamped Conditional Use Application
A-4 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans April 30 2021 (pages 1-12)
A-4 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans April 30 2021 (pages 13-23)
A-5 Conservation Design Plans April 30 2021
A-6 Shiloh Recorded Deed April 13 2021
A-7 Township June 2021 review letters
A-8 Applicant August 2021 response letters
A-9 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans 8-31-21 (pages 1-10)
A-9 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans 8-31-21 (pages 11-20)
A-9 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans 8-31-21 (pages 21-31)
A-10 Stokes Estate Conservation Plans 8-31-21
A-11 Photo Exhibit Views into site from Public ROWs
A-12 Stokes Estate Prelim Stormwater Management Report 8-31-21
A-13 Township September 2021 review letters
A-14 Applicant September 2021 response letters
A-15 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans 9-30-21 (pages 1-9)
A-15 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans 9-30-21 (pages 10-20)
A-15 Stokes Estate Conditional Use Plans 9-30-21 (pages 21-32)
A-16 Stokes Estate Prelim Stormwater Management Report 9-29-21
A-17 Keystone Custom Exterior Elevations
A-18 Stokes Planning Module to DEP 5-6-21
A-19 Aqua Availability ltr April 28 2021
A-20 Toll Crebilly Conditional Use and Open Space Plans
A-21 Toll Crebilly – Exhibit B-61 – Review letter from Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC 11-1-19
A-22 Toll Crebilly Exhibit B-54- Review letter from McCormick Taylor, Westtown Township 10-3-19
A-23 Jon Seitz Resume
A-24 TRG Traffic Impact Study (May 2021)
A-25 Additional Traffic Count Comparison

Conditional Use Exhibits – Board of Supervisors

Index of Board of Supervisors Exhibits
B-1 Notice of Hearing for November 10, 2021
B-2 Proof of Publication of Notice in the Daily Local News on October 20, 2021 and October 27, 2021
B-3 Affidavit of Posting of Notice by Jon Altshul, Westtown Township Manager, dated October 19, 2021
B-4 Affidavit of Mailing of Notice, dated October 22, 2021, with list of property owners receiving Notice of Hearing
B-5 Tax parcel map depicting the location of the subject parcel
B-6 Westtown Township Code, Chapter 170, Zoning (incorporated herein by reference)
B-7 Review letter from Chester County Planning Commission, dated January 6, 2021
B-8 Review letter from Carroll Engineering Corporation, Westtown Township Sanitary Sewer Consultant, dated June 4, 2021
B-9 Conditional Use Application Completeness Review Letter from Maggie Dobbs, Westtown Township Director of Planning and Zoning, dated June 15, 2021
B-10 Review letter from Albert Federico Consulting, LLC, Westtown Township Traffic Engineer, dated June 16, 2021
B-11 Review letter from Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC, Westtown Township Stormwater Management Consultant, dated June 17, 2021
B-12 Letter dated May 23, 2021 from Gregg I. Adelman, Esq. granting an extension to Westtown Township to conduct Conditional Use Hearing
B-13 Review letter from John Snook of the Brandywine Conservancy, Westtown Township Land Planner, dated June 30, 2021
B-14 Letter dated September 8, 2021 from Gregg I. Adelman, Esq. granting an extension to Westtown Township to conduct Conditional Use Hearin
B-15 Review letter from Albert Federico Consulting, LLC, Westtown Township Traffic Engineer, dated September 16, 2021
B-16 Review letter from Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC, Westtown Township Stormwater Management Consultant, dated September 17, 2021
B-17 Letter dated September 30, 2021 from Gregg I. Adelman, Esq. granting an extension to Westtown Township to conduct Conditional Use Hearing
B-18 Memo of Review by Goshen Fire Company from Maggie Dobbs, Westtown Township Dir of Planning and Zoning, to Westtown Township Planning Commission, dated Oct 22, 2021
B-19 Memorandum of Review from Mark Gross, Westtown Township Director of Public Works, to Maggie Dobbs, Westtown Township Dir of Planning and Zoning, dated Oct 26, 2021
B-20 Letter from Kristin S. Camp, Esq. dated November 4, 2021 with the recommendation of the Westtown Township Planning Commission for the Conditional Use Application

Other Materials
Letter from Shiloh Hill Residents, November 30, 2020 
Planning Commission Recommendations 11-03-2021

(Last updated 12/13/2021)

BSR Solar LLC/Westtown School Solar Panel Facility

The Westtown School has proposed to construct a solar energy system with a concrete pad for appurtenant equipment, gravel paths, 8-foot-high chain link fence with warning signage enclosing the facility, landscaping buffer along Shady Grove Road, and vegetated filter strips for stormwater management purposes.  The installation of a principal solar energy system is permitted by conditional use, which was approved by the Board of Supervisors on August 22, 2023.  As of fall 2023, the project is under the grading and stormwater management review process.

Conditional Use Approval – BSR Solar LLC & Westtown School Athletic Field Lighting 2023-08-22


Westtown School Athletic Field Lighting

As part of the land development project for athletic field improvements, the Westtown School has proposed the introduction of permanent lighting for one athletic field, which is permitted by conditional use. The conditional use was approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 19, 2023.

Conditional Use Approval – Westtown School Athletic Field Lighting 2023-06-19

Westtown School Center for the Living Arts

The Westtown School has proposed a building addition and associated improvements to an existing building known as the Center for the Living Arts, located at 235 Friends Meeting Lane. The proposed development includes a 4,534 square foot building addition and accompanying exterior landscaping and site improvements, including the creation of a courtyard. The use of the building will continue under its current use for students and faculty, and no additional traffic will be generated. The land development plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on February 21, 2023.  As of fall 2023, the project is undergoing the recorded plan revisions pertaining to stormwater management and is under the building permit review process.

Land Development Plan – Westtown School Center for the Living Arts 2023-03-28

Westtown School Lane House Addition

The Westtown School has proposed a building addition and associated improvements to an existing building known as the Lane House, located at 110 East School Lane. The proposed development includes a building addition of a three-story, 2,363 square feet to the rear of the building, patio improvements, and retaining walls. The building will be upgraded to be fully ADA compliant. The building is used for school administration support. The addition is intended to better accommodate existing staff and will not generate additional traffic to the area. The land development plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 6, 2022.  As of fall 2023, the project is in final stages of construction.

Land Development Plan – Westtown School Lane House Addition 2022-08-30

Sawmill Court (914 – 924 S. Concord Road) 2020-04 – Land Development

The developer, Huntrise Builders, LLC is in the process of constructing 20 residential lots with twin homes served by public water and sewer and located on a proposed public loop road of Sawmill Court. The land development plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 7, 2021.  As of fall 2023, the construction is still ongoing.

Land Development Plan – Sawmill Court Residential Development 2021-09-30

WCASD Westtown-Thornbury Elementary School 2020-02 – Building Expansion

West Chester Area School District (WCASD) has completed the construction of a 7,160-square feet school building addition, 27 parking spaces and other associated improvements at the Westtown-Thornbury Elementary School located at 750 Westbourne Road. The land development plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on February 16, 2021.  As of fall 2023, the school is in the final stages of installing stormwater management facilities and landscaping.

Land Development Plan – Westtown Thornbury ES Addition 2021-06-30

Completed Projects

Fair Share Properties 2018-07

Fair Share Properties, the applicant for 1074 Wilmington Pike, West Chester, (67-4-23) proposed a modified plan to a previously approved Conditional Use Application. This project resulted in the construction of a one two-story, 10,986 sq ft office building with a daycare on the first floor, and a proposed second phase of development to construct one two-story 16,800 sq ft building. In addition, the project resulted in 1,200 feet of Township road improvements, driveways, parking, utilities, and associated stormwater management to serve the site. The property is served by public water and sewer and is located in the R-3 Residence Office District.
Amendment to the preliminary-final land development
Final 10365-LandDevelopment 1-20 pages

Westtown School Lane House Addition

The Westtown School has proposed a building addition and associated improvements to an existing building known as the Lane House, located at 110 East School Lane. The proposed development includes a building addition of a three-story, 2,363 square feet to the rear of the building, patio improvements, and retaining walls. The building will be upgraded to be fully ADA compliant. The building is used for school administration support. The addition is intended to better accommodate existing staff and will not generate additional traffic to the area. The land development plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 6, 2022.  As of fall 2023, the project is in final stages of construction.

Land Development Plan – Westtown School Lane House Addition 2022-08-30

Crebilly Farm Subdivision – Lot Line Change

The applicant, Crebilly Farm Family Associates LP, has submitted a subdivision plan for a lot line change for the Crebilly Farm property. The Township is a co-applicant on this subdivision plan. The proposed lot line change does not add or remove any property and does not involve any land development or construction of any new structures or other improvements. The purpose of the lot line change is to delineate the parcels that will remain under private ownership and the parcel that is anticipated to be acquired by Westtown Township as open space, contingent upon passing of the tax referendum. Four parcels are proposed for private ownership and range in size from approximately 21 acres to 37 acres. The balance of the property proposed to be acquired as open space is 206 acres. The lot line change plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 19, 2022.

Subdivision Plan – Crebilly Farm Lot Line Change 2023-05-09

Upcoming Meeting

Upcoming Events


  • John Embick, Esq. (2027) – Chair
  • Russell Hatton (2026) – Vice Chair
  • Brian Knaub (2025)
  • Kevin Flynn (2026)
  • James Lees, Jr. (2025)
  • Tom Sennett, Esq. (2026)
  • Joe Frisco (2027)

Mila Carter, Staff Liaison

West Chester Area Council of Governments (WCACOG) 100% Renewable Energy Transition Study

In 2019, the Townships of East Bradford, East Goshen, West Goshen, Westtown, West Whiteland and West Chester Borough, in conjunction with the West Chester Area Council of Governments (WCACOG), collectively hired the Cadmus Group to complete a study on the feasibility, costs, and opportunities of transitioning to 100% renewable energy, and to create a long-term, actionable roadmap for realizing the community’s goals.  The six participating municipalities are considering a path towards:

  • 100% renewable electricity by 2035
  • 100% renewable energy for heat and transportation by 2050.

The completed study can be read here:  WCACOG 100% Renewable Energy Study final (3.4)

The West Chester Borough and East Bradford Township have formally adopted these goals via a 100% Renewable Energy Vision Resolution, and plan to use this report to consider pathways for achieving these goals.  The remaining Townships plan to utilize the findings of this report in evaluating the potential adoption of a resolution towards these goals.

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Please complete the form below to report your concern. Someone will contact you soon. If you are reporting a concern about a road, please note that issues on state-owned and maintained roads in the Township (Routes 3, 352, 926, and 202, Westtown Road, Westbourne Road, S. Concord Road from Oakbourne to Westbourne, and Oakbourne Road from 202 to S. Concord) need to be reported to PennDOT Customer Care. Westtown Township has no jurisdiction on state roads.

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