For active projects and detours visit:

Public Sewer Information

For questions regarding your public sewer bill, email or call (610) 692-1930.

Public Sewer Information

For questions regarding your public sewer bill, email or call (610) 692-1930.

2024 Public Sewer Rates

Roughly 50% of properties in the Township are served by two public wastewater treatment facilities – the West Goshen Sewer Authority (WGSA) Plant and the Westtown Chester Creek Sewage Treatment Plant (WCC).  The remaining properties have on-lot sewage treatment systems.  Please visit the On Lot Sewage Management page for information about septic systems.

Residents on public sewer are billed quarterly.  The current quarterly sewer rate is $205.  The bill includes the quarterly trash/recycling fee of $100. We offer the following methods to pay your quarterly sewer/trash bill:

  1. On our website: Online Bill Pay
  2. Automatic deduction to your bank account (ACH Authorization Form)
  3. By mail to Westtown Township, PO. Box 79, Westtown, PA 19395
  4. In person at the Township Building, 1039 Wilmington Pike, West Chester, PA 19382. The Township office is open M-F, 8 AM to 4:30 PM.

Sewer Maintenance – Resident Responsibility

The Township maintains 289 miles of sewer lines located in the streets.  Residents are responsible for the lateral from your home to the connection in the street.  The proliferation of disinfecting and sanitary wipes has caused many clogs, and present problems at sewage treatment facilities.  Despite being marketed as “flushable,” these wipes do NOT break down, and are not good for public sewage treatment plants OR on-lot septic systems.  Wipes, facial tissues, feminine hygiene products, Q-tips, and dental floss can clog your sewer pipes and should not be flushed.  Other items that should never be flushed include:

  • Fats, oils, and greases (FOGS)
  • Cat litter
  • Coffee grounds
  • Medicines (prescription and over the counter)
  • Cigarettes

Please watch this informative video on how various materials break down after flushing:

Public Sewer Tap In

The Township has no current plans to expand public sewer infrastructure. A tap in to the public sewer system is only possible where there is existing gravity infrastructure (see links to service area map below).  An individual sewer lateral cannot tie into a force main of any size.  Low pressure sewage systems (grinder pumps) are permitted within the Township if they connect to a gravity main. Tap in fees vary depending on the sewer district in which the property is located.  The fee is $2,929.76 for the WCC Treatment Plant and $3,164.14 for the West Goshen Sewer Authority.

The International Plumbing Code governs from the building to the main in the street.  Normally, the owner of the public facility (Township) covers from the main to the right-of-way with the plumbing code ending at the right-of-way.

With any application for connection to the public sewer system, the Township requires a mandatory escrow of $2,500.00 to cover the costs associated with reviews and inspections by the Township Engineer and Building Code Officer. Any balance in excess of the initial escrow amount is the responsibility of the applicant and will be collected on or before the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy.

The applicant should consult with a licensed professional for design and installation of the public sewer connection.  All engineering and construction costs associated with the actual tie in are the responsibility of the property owner.

A map of the public sewer service areas and areas served by on-lot sewage disposal systems is provided below:

Sanitary Sewer Service Map

Pennsylvania Act 537

The Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537) was enacted to address existing sewage disposal problems and prevent future problems. The act requires proper planning of all types of sewage facilities and is largely administered by individual municipalities and county health departments, with oversight by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

The Township’s current Act 537 Plan, does not call for expansion of the public sewer system infrastructure within the Township.  Properties served by On-Lot Sewage Disposal Systems (septic systems) are monitored by the On-Lot Sewage Management Program (SMP).  For more information about the SMP, please go to the On-Lot Management Program page.

Draft Act 537 Update – February, 2021


Act 537 – September, 2012 

Act 537 September 2012 pages 1-66


Appendices A-G
Appendices H-L
Appendices M-P
Appendix R


Map I-1 StudyArea
Map II-1 CCHD Records
Map II-2 Soil Suitability
Map II-3 Age of Sewage Systems
Map II-5 Water Supply & Net Lot Area
Map II-6 Sewage Needs
Map IV-1 Alternative A.2 Area
Map IV-2 Low Pressure Sewer System Alternative

ACT 537 – DEP Response

A letter from DEP in response to our September, 2012 Act 537 submission and supplemental information submitted in December, 2012 and April, 2013 Act 537 was received by the Township on June 11, 2013.

DEP Response to Act 537 Plan 2013-06-07

Previous communication from DEP is provided below:

DEP April 3 2013 Act 537  

Act 537 Special Study – West Wynn I area

As part of the Township’s 537 plan, DEP required a Special Study of the West Wynn I area. The final draft of the Act 537 Plan Special Study submitted in September, 2013 and the Chester County Planning Commission review letter regarding the Special Study can be viewed by clicking on the links below.

2016-07-13 West Wynn I Special Study Draft REDUCED
2013 West Wynn I Area – Act 537 Special Study
CCPC letter re West Wynn I Study

2014 Chapter 94 Wasteload Management Report for the Westtown Chester Creek service area

Chapter 94 Report Map
2014 Chapt. 94 section 1 – WGSA

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Please complete the form below to report your concern. Someone will contact you soon. If you are reporting a concern about a road, please note that issues on state-owned and maintained roads in the Township (Routes 3, 352, 926, and 202, Westtown Road, Westbourne Road, S. Concord Road from Oakbourne to Westbourne, and Oakbourne Road from 202 to S. Concord) need to be reported to PennDOT Customer Care. Westtown Township has no jurisdiction on state roads.

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