On December 16, 2024, the Westtown Township Board of Supervisors adopted the 2025 Adopted Budget.
The Chester County Department of Emergency Services is leading an important planning effort to update the county-wide plan that serves as a blueprint for reducing property damage and saving lives from the impacts of natural and human-made hazards. This plan is also necessary for County and each municipality to be eligible to receive certain types of state and federal funding after a disaster occurs. Public participation is strongly encouraged via the survey, results of which will be used in planning and development of future mitigation projects. https://www.pennsylvaniahmp.com/chester-county-hmp
Westtown Township Board of Supervisors meetings are live-streamed on the Township’s YouTube channel. The Township will also allow remote meeting participation, including accepting public comment remotely via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89939917814. Video recordings shall not replace or supersede the meeting minutes as the official record of the meeting. Video recordings will be retained for six months.