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CCPC Climate Action Plan

March 4, 2021 at 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


March 4, 2021
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Chester County Planning Commission
View Organizer Website

Event Information

The Chester County Planning Commission, in partnership with the Chester County Environmental and Energy Advisory Board, is holding a virtual public meeting to present the county’s proposed Climate Action Plan on Thursday, March 4, at 6:30pm.

The updated Climate Action Plan will provide a current greenhouse gas emissions inventory, as well as action plans for reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency throughout the county.

The Climate Action Plan establishes a blueprint for how the county, municipalities, businesses and other stakeholders can reduce their carbon footprint. Work on the plan began in the fall of 2019 and updates and expands on the county’s original 2010 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Report.

Meeting attendees will be presented with an overview of the plan and proposed actions for addressing climate change, followed by a question and answer session and opportunities for public comment.  We encourage anyone interested in the county’s energy initiatives to join us for this meeting and to invite or share with others who might be interested as well.

A draft of the Climate Action Plan and other updates can be viewed in advance of the meeting. To learn more, visit

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