NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Hearing Board of Westtown Township will conduct two public hearings on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, commencing at 6:45 P.M. at the Stokes Assembly Hall at the Westtown Township Municipal Building, 1039 Wilmington Pike, this Township. The two hearings may not necessarily be held in the order listed. At the conclusion of the said public hearings, the Board will hold a public meeting at the same place to consider said applications and possibly act upon either or both of the said applications and conduct such other business as may properly come before it.
The purpose of the first hearing is to receive evidence in reference to the application of Anthony and Mary Ricciardi, legal and equitable owners of a tract of land known as 922 Thorne Drive, this Township. The premises is identified on the maps of the Assessor of Chester County as Tax Parcel 67-1-3.2N. The premises is located in an area designated on the Zoning Map of Westtown Township as an R-2 Residential Zoning District.
There is presently extant upon the premises a single family detached dwelling with attached garage, a rear deck and a storage shed. The Applicants constructed a swimming pool in the rear yard, without first obtaining a permit therefor. Upon inspection of the premises, the Zoning Officer determined that the pool as constructed encroached into the side and rear yards and therefore directed that the pool be removed. The Applicants therefore applied for a zoning permit to permit the retention of the pool at the location where constructed. The Applicants assert that by virtue of the location of the existing dwelling and related improvements and the size and narrowness of the rear yard they cannot relocate the pool in conformity with the mandated setbacks of the R-2 Zoning District and therefor seek dimensional variance relief or such other relief as may be available to permit the retention of the pool at its present location.
The purpose of the second hearing is to receive evidence in reference to the application of Laurie and John Fish, the legal and equitable owners of a tract of land known as 1061 Windy Knoll Road, this Township. The premises is identified on the maps of the Assessor of Chester County as Tax Parcel 67-5E-33. The premises is located in an area designated on the Zoning Map of Westtown Township as an R-1 Zoning District.
There is presently extant upon the premises a single family detached dwelling, rear deck, a fence and shed. The Applicants desire to construct an addition to the dwelling of a new two-car garage and an extension of the residence to permit a modification of the living quarters to make reasonable accommodation for the applicant’s disability. The Applicant suffers from severe rheumatoid arthritis which is chronic and progressive. The project as proposed would result in an encroachment of 15 feet into the mandated 25-foot side yard setback. The Applicants therefore request a dimensional variance and relief under the Americans with Disabilities Act as a reasonable accommodation or such other relief as may be required to permit the project proposed.
The Applications, together with plans and explanatory material are on file at the Westtown Township Municipal Building, 1039 Wilmington Pike, this Township, where the same may be reviewed without cost during normal business hours and where copies thereof may be obtained at cost of reproduction.
All persons interested may be present and give testimony if they so desire.
Any person, who, by reason of disability, requires assistance in order to attend and participate in said meeting should contact the Township Manager by telephone, (610) 692-1930, during normal business hours.
Maggie Dobbs, AICP
Zoning Officer