NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Hearing Board of Westtown Township will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, commencing at 6:30 P.M. at Stokes Assembly Hall at the Westtown Township Municipal Building, 1039 Wilmington Pike. At the conclusion of the said public hearing, the Board will hold a public meeting at the same place to consider said application and possibly act upon the same and conduct such other business as may properly come before it.
The purpose of the hearing is to receive evidence in reference to the application of 1545 Overhill LLC, the legal and equitable owner of a tract of land known as 1545 Overhill Road Westtown Township. The premises is identified on the maps of the Assessor of Chester County as Tax Parcel 67-3-106. The premises is located in an area designated on the Zoning Map of Westtown Township as the R-2 Residential Zoning District.
There is presently extant upon the premises a single-family dwelling with a pool and related residential structures. The Applicant proposes to construct a garage as an accessory building to the principal single-family dwelling and an associated driveway extension. The structure as proposed would be violative of the dimensional and design regulations governing the maximum lot coverage, side yard setback, and maximum expansion of the present non-conforming lot coverage. The Applicant therefore seeks variance relief and any other relief required to construct, use and occupy the proposed garage structure in accordance with the plans and application submitted.
The application, together with plans and explanatory material is on file at the Westtown Township Municipal Building, 1039 Wilmington Pike, this Township, where the same may be reviewed without cost during normal business hours and where copies thereof may be obtained at cost of reproduction.
All persons interested may be present and give testimony if they so desire.
Any person, who, by reason of disability, requires assistance in order to attend and participate in said meeting should contact the Township Manager by telephone, (610) 692-1930 during normal business hours.