Public Notice - 623 Picket Way Application - 623 Picket Way The applicant is seeking a variance and/or special exception to retain the use of above ground temporary pool.
2025-03-03 Workshop agenda and Information 2025-03-03 BOS Agenda and Information The Township allows remote meeting participation for the Workshop and the Regular Meeting, including accepting public comment remotely. To participate remotely, please join the meeting via Zoom: or call 646-558-8656. If you are participating remotely, please remain muted during the meeting while the Board is talking. […]
Tonight's meeting has been cancelled due to the weather. 2025-03-05 Planning Commission Meeting Materials
The Township allows remote meeting participation for the Workshop and the Regular Meeting, including accepting public comment remotely. To participate remotely, please join the meeting via Zoom: or call 646-558-8656. If you are participating remotely, please remain muted during the meeting while the Board is talking. Attendees participating remotely will be given an opportunity to […]
To participate remotely, please join the meeting via Zoom: or call 646-558-8656. If you are participating remotely, please remain muted during the meeting while the Planning Commission is talking. Attendees participating remotely will be given an opportunity to make public comment after in-person attendees have been given a chance to comment or ask questions. Remote attendees […]
The applicant for 1132 Kolbe Lane is seeking a variance and/or special exception to construct an inground swimming pool. Public Notice - 1132 Kolbe Lane Application materials The applicant for 120 Hidden Pond Way is seeking special exception to allow an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) within the principal dwelling. Public Notice - 120 Hidden Pond […]