For active projects and detours visit:

Parks & Recreation Commission

Staff Liaisons:  Pam Packard, Sue Alloway

Parks & Recreation Commission

Staff Liaisons:  Pam Packard, Sue Alloway

The Parks & Recreation (P&R) Commission consists of seven residents, appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Their mission is to plan and manage activities and events in Westtown Township parks for the benefit of Township residents and the surrounding community, and to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for improving the use and operation of Township parks and open spaces.  P&R meets at 7:00 PM at the Oakbourne Mansion on the third Tuesday of each month.  All Township meetings are open to the public.

If you are a Westtown Township resident and would like to get contribute your time and talent to your community, then consider joining the Parks & Recreation Commission. Interested residents should submit their resume and brief letter of interest to Applicants must be current in all municipal obligations.

2025 Events

Egg Hike – Saturday April 12, 10 AM to noon
Meet at the pavilion to pick up a map to the treat stations and hit the trails at Oakbourne Park.  Along the way, watch for golden eggs, which can be traded in for an extra treat! Park trails are gravel, dirt or mulch with some steep hills. Wear appropriate footwear and dress for the weather.  This event is rain or shine!
***This event is for residents of Westtown Township. Parking is limited. You may invite extended family to attend but you must carpool together.***
There will be enough eggs for all registered children so there is no need to arrive right at 10am. You are welcome to avoid the rush and come at 11:00am or so when the first wave is finishing up.

Registration is required for this popular event: Egg Hike Registration

Past Events

Amateur Photography Contest
We received twenty-two photos that met our submission requirements.  The P&R team narrowed the field to ten finalists.  Public voting determined the top three, and the winners were announced at Westtown Day on Sunday, October 6.
This year, first place was awarded to Jesse Gray for her photo of Crebilly Farm at sunset.
If you feel like you are experiencing deja vu, you’re right!  Last year’s top photo was also a of Crebilly at sunset, which demonstrates what a special place it holds in the hearts of many residents.  Jesse received a $150 VISA gift card.
Her photo, along with the other finalist’s photos are on display in the meeting hall of the Township Building.
Kristin Connell earned second prize for photo of her dog taking a morning swim at the Westtown School Lake.  Kristin received at $75 VISA gift card.



Third place went to last year’s contest winner, Mason Esterly, for his photo of the West Chester Railroad taken on the section of tracks near Rustin High School.  At the age of 12, Mason was our youngest entrant.  Mason received a $50 VISA gift card.

Westtown Day – Sunday, October 6, 2024
Attendees enjoyed an absolutely perfect autumn day full of fun and history!  The day included carnival games, kid’s Halloween craft, petting zoo, bounce castle, self-guided tours of the Oakbourne Mansion, bubbles galore from Bubbletopia, historical re-enactors, face painting, blacksmith demonstration, great food from On the Roll and Natalie’s Fine Foods, live music by the Law Abiding Citizens, beverages from Deer Creek Malthouse, ice cream from Scrape and Scoop, Stubby the Helicopter, emergency services touch-a-truck, and much more.

Movie Night – August 21, 2024

It was a gorgeous night for the end of summer movie, School of Rock (PG-13).  Thanks to Big Air Cinema for their services!

For information on the Township parks, trails, and open space, including pavilion rentals please visit the Parks, Trails, & Open Space page

Upcoming Meeting

Upcoming Events


  • Catherine Clauhs (2026)
  • Laura Ruane Dougherty (2027)
  • Ken Leidheiser (2026)
  • Steve Pirone (2027)
  • vacant
  • vacant
  • vacant

Staff Liaison: Pam Packard

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Please complete the form below to report your concern. Someone will contact you soon. If you are reporting a concern about a road, please note that issues on state-owned and maintained roads in the Township (Routes 3, 352, 926, and 202, Westtown Road, Westbourne Road, S. Concord Road from Oakbourne to Westbourne, and Oakbourne Road from 202 to S. Concord) need to be reported to PennDOT Customer Care. Westtown Township has no jurisdiction on state roads.

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