Westtown Township Real Estate Tax is based on the millage rate and the assessed value of your property (not the market value). The 2025 Westtown Township Millage Rate will be 3.92, of which 3.5 mills are for general use and .42 mill is designated for open space preservation. One mill is 1/1000 of $1.00 or .001. A property with an assessed value of $200,000 at a rate of 3.92 mills would be taxed $784 ($200,000 x .00392). Chester County and the West Chester Area School District also levy a real estate tax, which are billed separately by those taxing authorities. To appeal the assessed value of your property, contact the Chester County Assessment Office (610.344.6105).
Westtown Township Real Estate tax bills are mailed to the owner of record on February 1st. It is the responsibility of the property owner to forward the bill to your mortgage company if this money is escrowed.
Duplicate Bill Fee – $5.00 (payable to Westtown Township). Mail check to Westtown Township, PO Box 79, Westtown, PA 19395. Include the property address and parcel number on memo line of the check. Email info@westtown.org with any questions.
Tax/Utility Certification (for Westtown tax, trash, and sewer payments)
The fee is $40.00 (payable to Westtown Township). Certification will not be provided until fee is received. Allow at least two weeks prior to settlement to process certification. Mail check to Westtown Township, PO Box 79, Westtown, PA 19395. Include the property address and parcel number on memo line of the check. Email info@westtown.org with any questions.
Chester County Real Estate tax bills are mailed in January. For questions regarding your county taxes contact the Chester County Treasurer’s Office – 610.344.6370.
West Chester Area School District (WCASD) tax bills are mailed July 1st. For questions regarding WCASD school taxes contact Berkheimer – 610.599.3143.
The 2025 combined Earned Income Tax rate for Westtown Township and the West Chester Area School District will be 1.08% for residents of Westtown Township, or 1.0% for non-residents. These percentages are levied against gross wages and/or net profits from a business or profession. Keystone Collections Group is the appointed collections agency for the Township and WCASD. For more information on EIT, click here.
For questions regarding your EIT, contact your employer or Keystone Collections Group – www.keystonecollects.com
Local office – 610 269-4402, 888-328-0565
Keystone Collections Taxpayer Hotline: 1-866-539-1100
Article V of Chapter 154 of the Township Code specifies the levy of $52/year on any person engaged in an occupation, trade, or profession in Westtown Township. Click here to go to the Township code: Local Services Tax