For active projects and detours visit:

Trash & Recycling

For questions concerning your trash bill, email or call 610-692-1930.
For questions about service, you may contact the hauler, A.J. Blosenski at 610-942-2707, or Pam Packard, Trash & Recycling Coordinator.

Trash & Recycling

For questions concerning your trash bill, email or call 610-692-1930.
For questions about service, you may contact the hauler, A.J. Blosenski at 610-942-2707, or Pam Packard, Trash & Recycling Coordinator.

Trash Reminders and Special Notices:

Yard Waste – Friday, April 4
Yard waste must be in biodegradable paper bags or containers that can be dumped. Plastic bags are not accepted. Branches must be under 3″ in diameter and must be cut approximately 3 foot in length, bundled and tied, and placed at the curb by 6 AM on collection day. No rocks, logs, stumps, dirt, or ashes will be taken.

Consider composting your yard waste.  It only takes a small area to compost a large volume of material.  Below are some materials to get you started:

Guide to Backyard Composting
Basic Composting Brochure
Penn State College of Agricultural Science slideshow: Composting is Natural Recycling 

General Residential Refuse and Recycling Collection Information & Guidelines:

Trash collection in Westtown Township is by municipal contract, not individual subscription.  Residents are billed $120 per quarter for weekly trash & recycling, monthly bulk item pickup, and yard waste collection.  Our hauler does not use auto-loading trucks with arms. You may purchase the trash container of your choice; however, we do not recommend large (96 gallon) toters. Containers need to be able to be lifted by one man, and a 96 gallon container may exceed the 50 pound weight limit when full.

  • Contained household waste and recycling is collected on Mondays for residents west of Shady Grove Way, and on Thursdays for residents east of Shady Grove Way.  Trash must be securely contained in lidded receptacles (preferred) or in plastic bags.  Loose trash will not be collected.  We recommend that you put your material out the night before your collection date, as the specific time of collection can vary due to various factors such as manpower, weather, and equipment.
  • Electronic waste and yard waste will NOT be collected with regular trash pickup.
  • Mixed recyclables must be in a recycle bin or other clearly marked recycling container.  Do not put your recycling in plastic bags, as they get tangled in the conveyors during the sorting process.  Cardboard must be flattened and placed in the recycle bin, or bundled with string or twine and placed next to the recycle bin.  More information on recycling is provided below.

Bulk Item Collection

On the last service day of each month, A.J. Blosenski will collect up to three bulk items per house. If your collection day is Monday, bulk pickup is the last Monday of the month; if your collection day is Thursday, bulk items will be collected on the last Thursday of the month.  Holiday collection make-ups include bulk items.  Mattresses and box springs are accepted on bulk item day, but must wrapped in plastic.  Construction debris, TV’s, safes, and auto parts cannot be accepted for collection.  Items containing Freon (e.g. dehumidifiers, air conditioners, refrigerators) will not be taken unless they have a sticker indicating that the Freon has been removed. You may call A.J. Blosenski at 610-942-2707 or 1-800-343-6583 if you have any questions a bulk item, or to schedule a special pick up (for an additional fee).  CFCs must be removed from all refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, and ice makers prior to pick-up.
Freon recovery information: Freon Recovery Services

Electronic Waste

The Township hosts one electronic waste event per year.  This year’s E-Waste Collection was held on September 14, 2024 from 9 AM to noon at the Township Building.  We collected over 6 tons of electronic waste!

Yard Waste
Yard Waste

Yard Waste

Yard Waste cannot be placed in the regular trash and will only be collected on scheduled days.  Leaves must be in biodegradable paper bags or containers that can be dumped.  Plastic bags are not accepted.  Branches under 3″ in diameter must be cut approximately 3 foot in length, bundled and tied, and placed at the curb by 6 AM on collection day.  No dirt, rocks, logs, mulch, stumps, or ashes will be taken.

2025 Yard Waste collection dates are on Fridays (except when affected by a holiday):  January 4 (including Christmas trees), February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 5, September 6, October 3, November 7 & 21, December 5 & 19.

Consider composting your yard waste. It only takes a small area to compost a large amount of material! Below are some materials to get you started:
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences slide show on composting: Composting is Natural Recycling.
Guide to Backyard Composting

Electronic Waste
Electronic Waste

Electronic Waste

The Township holds one E-waste collection event per year at the Township building.  Our annual E-Waste event was on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 9 AM to noon.  We collected over 6 tons of electronic waste!  Check back for the 2025 collection date.

In addition, the Chester County Solid Waste Authority (Lanchester Landfill) accepts TVs (except projection TVs) at NO CHARGE. There is a limit of ONE TV per household. You may bring up to 3 electronic items/day, but must show proof that you are a resident in the service area. Drop off at 7224 Division Highway, Narvon, PA 17555.  Call 610-273-3771 for hours.

The Department of Environmental Protection does not allow televisions, computers, or other electronic waste to be disposed of in the landfill. In addition, retailers such as Best Buy are now charging a fee for TVs and computer monitors. A statement of Best Buy’s revision in policy can be found here: Best Buy Recycling Program.

Pennsylvania is one of two states in the country that do not allow retailers to charge a fee to offset their recycling programs.  At this point legislative action is the only option.  The Electronics Recycling Association of Pennsylvania (ERAP) is leading the charge to amend the Covered Device Recycling Act (Act 108 of 2010). Please contact your state representatives and ask them to amend the law.  Contact information for Elected Officials can be found in the blue banner at the bottom of every page of our website.

NOTE: Best Buy locations in Delaware and surrounding states will continue to accept TV’s and monitors, but are now charging $25 per covered device (  

Staples office supply store accepts computers and peripherals. TV’s are not accepted. For more information click here Staples. Second Source Computer Center, 1241 West Chester Pike also accepts some computers.  Call 610-692-9200.

Medications &<br />Healthcare Waste
Medications &
Healthcare Waste

Medications, Prescription Drugs, & Home Healthcare Waste

There is a Medication Return Collection Box in the lobby of the Westtown East Goshen Police Station, 1041 Wilmington Pike, which is behind the Township Building. Residents can safely dispose of unwanted or expired prescription medication M-F from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  You may remove the labels from prescription medications.

Home Healthcare Waste

Home healthcare wastes primarily consist of used items know as sharps, which include needles, syringes, lancets, and other sharp objects, as well as soiled bandages, disposable sheets, and medical gloves.  You can help prevent injury, illness, and pollution by following some simple steps when disposing of these wastes in your household trash.

  1. Place sharps in a puncture-resistant, hard plastic container, such as an empty detergent bottle.
  2. Close the container with its original lid and secure with heavy duty tape.
  3. Discard the sealed container in your household trash. Do not place it with your recyclables.
  4. Place non-sharp home healthcare waste in a doubled, securely fastened, plastic trash bag before putting them in your garbage can.

For more information visit:


Tires and Used Motor Oil

Trade in your old tires when you buy new ones, or take tires and used motor oil to an automotive station.  Call the Chester County Health Department Division of Solid Waste Management at 610.344.5937 for the location nearest you or contact one of the Automotive Waste Disposal Sites listed here.


Mixed recyclable materials must be placed in a bin or receptacle clearly marked with the recycling logo.  Paper does not need to be separated from other recyclables, but cardboard must be flattened and bundled.  Paper and cardboard should be kept dry and covered – wet paper and cardboard is difficult to work with in the automated sorting machinery.

The chart and video below provide information on acceptable material.  DO NOT PUT RECYCLABLES IN PLASTIC BAGS.  Plastic bags tangle and jam the machinery at the materials recycling facility.  Clean plastic bags and plastic film (such as plastic packing bubbles and packaging around paper products) should be recycled at your local grocery store.

The Township provides a recycling bin for your use.  If you have a cracked bin, please bring it in to the Township Municipal building and we will replace it. If you are moving, then please leave the bin for the new owner.

How to Recycle videos from the Chester County Solid Waste Authority:

Item Recycled How to Prepare for Recycling
Glass—Green, Brown & Clear Bottles or jars only. Remove lids and rings. Rinse food debris. Labels may be left on. NO plate glass, ceramics, drinking glasses, etc.
Plastics No black plastic.  Other plastic must be marked with #1 through #7 inside triangle on bottom. Remove lids, rinse food debris, and flatten if possible. Labels may be left on. NO unmarked containers. No antifreeze or motor oil containers.  NO PLASTIC BAGS OR FILM – recycle clean plastic bags and film at the grocery store.
Aluminum Rinse. Cans may be flattened. Cans, pie plates, and aluminum foil are acceptable. No other aluminum items.
Bi-Metal Cans Rinse. Cans may be flattened. Examples include pet food cans, soup cans, vegetable cans. Empty aerosol cans are acceptable.
Newspaper, Magazines, Phone Books, & Cardboard May be commingled with other recyclables. Cereal boxes, milk, juice, and broth cartons, paper towel tubes, and similar cardboard items may be combined with newspaper. Cardboard must flattened and put in the bin, or securely bundled with string/twine and placed next to the recycling bin.
Junk Mail & Office Paper May be commingled with other recyclables.

Fire Extinguishers

Information on safe disposal of household fire extinguishers can be found here: FIRE EXTINGUISHERS

Household Hazardous Waste Event Schedule for 2024


Regional Southeastern PA Household Hazardous Waste Collection Dates & Times are available on the Chester County Solid Waste Authority website.  Visit:



Acceptable Materials

No more than 220 pounds or 25 gallons per household of cleaning and maintenance products that are labeled as toxic, flammable, ignitable, corrosive, reactive caution, warning, danger, hazardous.  No Freon appliances.

Unacceptable Materials

Latex (water-based) paint, used motor oil, tires, medical waste, unidentified waste, commercial and industrial waste, explosives, ammunition and appliances. Air-dry or absorb latex paint and dispose with trash. Recycle motor oil, car batteries, tires and anti-freeze at your local service station. NO ELECTRONICS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Accepted Material Guidelines

Paint Products Outdoors Products Automotive Products Household Products Household Other
Turpentine Swimming Pool Chemicals Grease & Rust Solvents Drain Openers Acids, Caustics, Solvents
Wallpaper Cement Weed Killers Fuel Additives Rug Cleaners Flammables
Paint Thinners Septic Tank Degreasers Carburetor Cleaners Wood & Metal Cleaners Oxidizers
Strippers & Removers Asphalt Sealers Transmission/Brake Fluid Toilet Bowl Cleaners Reactives
Oil-Based Paints Caulking Compounds Antifreeze Adhesives/Solvents Organic Peroxide
Stains, Varnish Joint Compound Gasoline Mothballs/Flakes Reactive Metals
Shellac Roof Cements Car (lead-acid), Truck, Motorcycle, Marine Batteries Spot Removers Lead
Other Solvent Based paint products Rodent Poison Gas/Oil mixture Dry Cleaning Fluid Pesticides
Kerosene Mercury Bearing Items-Thermometer switches
Rechargeable batteries-Lithium, Ni-Cad, Button Propane Cylinders 20 lbs. or fewer


For questions or more information, contact the Chester County Solid Waste Authority at 610-273-3771 or visit  7224 Division Hwy (Rte. 322), Narvon, (Honeybrook) PA, 17555.  Open: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


All commercial/institutional establishments in Westtown Township are required to recycle. It is mandatory to separate and have collected the following:  aluminum, high-grade office paper, corrugated paper (cardboard), and leaf waste. Collection of the materials to be recycled and municipal waste shall be made periodically by the hauler chosen by the business or institution.  Quarterly reports showing items recycled and tonnage of those items are to be provided to Chester County Solid Waste Authority and Westtown Township.
See Section 140 of the Westtown Township Code – Solid Waste

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