Trash collection in Westtown Township is by municipal contract, not individual subscription. Residents are billed $120 per quarter for weekly trash & recycling, monthly bulk item pickup, and yard waste collection. Our hauler does not use auto-loading trucks with arms. You may purchase the trash container of your choice; however, we do not recommend large (96 gallon) toters. Containers need to be able to be lifted by one man, and a 96 gallon container may exceed the 50 pound weight limit when full.
- Contained household waste and recycling is collected on Mondays for residents west of Shady Grove Way, and on Thursdays for residents east of Shady Grove Way. Trash must be securely contained in lidded receptacles (preferred) or in plastic bags. Loose trash will not be collected. We recommend that you put your material out the night before your collection date, as the specific time of collection can vary due to various factors such as manpower, weather, and equipment.
- Electronic waste and yard waste will NOT be collected with regular trash pickup.
- Mixed recyclables must be in a recycle bin or other clearly marked recycling container. Do not put your recycling in plastic bags, as they get tangled in the conveyors during the sorting process. Cardboard must be flattened and placed in the recycle bin, or bundled with string or twine and placed next to the recycle bin. More information on recycling is provided below.
Bulk Item Collection
On the last service day of each month, A.J. Blosenski will collect up to three bulk items per house. If your collection day is Monday, bulk pickup is the last Monday of the month; if your collection day is Thursday, bulk items will be collected on the last Thursday of the month. Holiday collection make-ups include bulk items. Mattresses and box springs are accepted on bulk item day, but must wrapped in plastic. Construction debris, TV’s, safes, and auto parts cannot be accepted for collection. Items containing Freon (e.g. dehumidifiers, air conditioners, refrigerators) will not be taken unless they have a sticker indicating that the Freon has been removed. You may call A.J. Blosenski at 610-942-2707 or 1-800-343-6583 if you have any questions a bulk item, or to schedule a special pick up (for an additional fee). CFCs must be removed from all refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, and ice makers prior to pick-up.
Freon recovery information: Freon Recovery Services
Electronic Waste
The Township hosts one electronic waste event per year. This year’s E-Waste Collection was held on September 14, 2024 from 9 AM to noon at the Township Building. We collected over 6 tons of electronic waste!