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Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Monthly Emergency Services Operations Reports

2025-02 Emergency Management Coordinator’s Report

Good Fellowship: 2025-02 Good Fellowship Municipal Report

Goshen Fire Company: 2025-02 GFC Monthly Operations Report

West Chester Fire Department: 2025-02 WCFD Report – Westtown Township 

Westtown Township seeks a Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator

Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) is an excellent opportunity for a skilled leader with a background in public safety to give back to their community.

The EMC is responsible for overseeing planning, training, and preparation during non-disaster times, and to act as the coordinator in the Emergency Operations Center during times of disaster. The EMC is the primary agent for the municipality’s elected officials and is invaluable when disaster strikes. Experience in public safety and/or law enforcement, including fire, ambulance/EMT, or police, is required. The selected EMC shall be professionally competent and capable of planning and effecting coordination among different government agencies. The selected EMC shall also be required to complete the in-service training requirements for the position, as mandated by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

Both the deputy and regular EMC are volunteer positions. While the EMC is expected to work throughout declared states of emergency, the work commitment during periods of non-emergencies is generally limited to coordinating with the County Department of Emergency Services and updating the Township’s Emergency Operations Plan from time to time, completing required training, and serving as a resource for Township elected officials and senior staff, as requested.

There is no residency requirement for this position, although a strong familiarity with Westtown is required.

To be considered, please submit your resume with a statement of interest to Mila Carter, Township Manager, at

Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Survey

The Chester County Department of Emergency Services is leading an important planning effort to update the county-wide hazard mitigation plan, which serves as a blueprint for reducing property damage and saving lives from the impacts of natural and human-made hazards. This plan is also necessary for the County and each municipality to be eligible to receive certain types of state and federal funding after a disaster occurs. Public participation is strongly encouraged via the survey, results of which will be used in planning and development of future mitigation projects.  The survey can be accessed via this link: Chester County Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey.

More information about the County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan can be found on their website:

Chester Co HMP Public Survey Flier

Help Fight Fire

The Chester County Fire Chiefs Association is recruiting new volunteer firefighters.  For more information please read their recruitment brochure, or visit


ReadyChesCo is used to notify you during a major crisis or emergency, and delivers important emergency alerts, such as weather, road closures, health, or community alerts. You can choose the notification topics and you may opt out at any time.  To enroll, go to and click on the bright yellow Enroll Today button.

Natural Disaster Emergencies

The best defense against natural emergencies is for each individual to be as prepared as possible.  The problems we expect from natural disasters include:

  • Power failures, possibly for extended periods
  • Road closures
  • Limited availability of food, medicine, or supplies
  • Possible loss of natural gas, unavailability of heating oil

Every household should be prepared to get through at least 3 to 4 days without power, heat and water, and without access to stores. Useful information about being prepared can be found by going to the Crisis-Related Agencies website listed below.  Don’t forget about medication you might require, or the needs of your pets.

The Westtown Emergency Operations Center will be opened if the Commonwealth or Chester County declare a State of Emergency, and/or open their EOCs. The Westtown Supervisors or the Westtown Emergency Management Coordinator can also declare a State of Emergency for Westtown, and we will open our EOC.  Information on the declaration of a State of Emergency will be available on local radio and TV stations.

Once the Westtown EOC has been opened, call the Township Office 610-692-1930 if you need assistance.  If you get no answer, or a recorded message stating that the EOC is not open, call 911.

Most important is to be prepared and be patient.  If you have a life-threatening problem, call 911 immediately, not Westtown Township. Information about Pennsylvania Emergency Preparedness can be obtained at:

Residents are encouraged to contact county/state/and federal emergency management agencies for additional information:

Rumor Control Hotline:

Pennsylvania has established a 24/7 Rumor Control Hotline (1-800-932-0784), ready to answer your questions.

Suspicious Activity and Terrorist Threats:

Tips or information about suspicious activity of a potentially terrorist nature should be referred to either local law enforcement or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Police Tip Line 1-888-292-1919.  Information on PA Homeland Security can be found here:

Gerry DiNunzio
Emergency Management Coordinator

Robert Hall
Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator

Westtown Township Email Updates and Alerts

Fill out the form below to sign up for email updates and alerts. If you already receive listserv emails from the township, then there is no need to complete this form.

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Email Updates and Alerts

Fill out the form below to subscribe to the Township email listserv. You will receive Township meeting information, trash reminders, and other important Township communications. We do not share the email list with anyone. If you already receive listserv emails from the Township, then there is no need to complete this form.

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Report a Concern

Please complete the form below to report your concern. Someone will contact you soon. If you are reporting a concern about a road, please note that issues on state-owned and maintained roads in the Township (Routes 3, 352, 926, and 202, Westtown Road, Westbourne Road, S. Concord Road from Oakbourne to Westbourne, and Oakbourne Road from 202 to S. Concord) need to be reported to PennDOT Customer Care. Westtown Township has no jurisdiction on state roads.

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